Here's a little thread: @GoAskAScientist took Anastasia, me, and a friend on a tour part of one of our science buildings AND a planetarium show. That's right, @stcloudstate has a PLANETARIUM. AND an OBSERVATORY, I learned!
The entire experience was utterly delightful. We got to see (some of) the rock collection created by @stcloudstate geology faculty members. We got to a see a wave machine. We got a personal planetarium show and @GoAskAScientist answered every single one of our (MANY) questions.
We have a totally cool planetarium machine--it's purple and its name is Chronos. What an incredible resource for our university! And yet, I'm fairly certain that most of our community doesn't know it's there. @GoAskAScientist is doing incredible work to secure more funding.
And the thing is, I think that many institutions have awesome collections, instruments, and venues that are just magical and no one knows is there--I think that's part of being institutions where knowledge is created and housed (for better and for worse).
What are some of the hidden gems in your college or university?
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