Romba naal ah mind la oditu iruntha matter , I think it's right time to convey it.

When I logged in I was not into too much of intellectual tweets . I've never seen that side of Twitter during initial days .
As we were in lockdown for months , I've started witnessing the other side of Twitter. I'm not disturbed by ' elite ' sandhu ,what actually disturbed me was the so called matured & intellectual tweets of our very own fandom .
Everyone makes mistakes in life . Vijay is also an ordinary man like you & me . He made some wrong decisions in the past . Not all his movies were perfect . But that doesn't mean there's someone here without committing mistakes . Everybody goes through a bad phase
We criticise him for his wrong moves & he rectifies them . He pay heed to our suggestions . That's the space he have given us . But now it feels the negativity caused by us around Vijay is increasing day by day .
Not everyone in our fandom is used to laugh at your sarcastic tweets about Vijay films . Some feel hurt ,some feel irritated, I'm one among them . Trolling Vijay films & applauding other actors films has become usual nowadays .
Vijay has moved on from his past mistakes but why we are still only interested in pointing out those past mistakes. Let us move on & embrace the positives around him ❤️

This thread is not to hurt anyone ✌️
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