I heard some really great news about the Armenian Genocide being acknowledged by @POTUS today and that is amazing.

As a child of refugees from a genocide, this is so important. So, thank you, President Biden. I hope you can keep making history.
I hope when May 20th comes, something can be said of the Khmer Rouge, the Cambodian Genocide, that my parents were survivors of.

I remember reading about it in my high school history book, & it's history was summarized in 1/3 of a page.
5 years, 1.5 million deaths
My heart broke to see this horrific event described in little detail & given little space in my world history book. I was glad to know there was at least a film about it #theKillingFields , where Haing S. Ngor became the second Asian actor to win an #Oscar @TheAcademy in history.
Shout out to @ellenwongster , b/c she's been so amazing in representing Cambodians in media as best as she can. 🙇🏻‍♀️ 🥺🙏🏻

like in @GlowNetflix and In the Life of Music, whose story is circled around the song "Champa Battambang" by Sinn Sisamouth (the King of Khmer Music!
Our stories are out there, so I hope people can open there hearts and mind to give them a chance to be heard and seen.

Thank you to anyone that reads this thread. I hope you have an amazing day and great start of your week! 🤗
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