Last week in Kubernetes: Edition 1:

Get to know all the stuff that happened last week in the world of Kubernetes right here in this thread

#Kubernetes #Ks #CloudNative #100DaysOfCode
10. When you create a pod in Kubernetes, what happens behind the scenes? How do Kubernetes components work together to generate that pod?

#Kibernetes #K8s #CloudNative #DevOps #API #100DaysOfCode
11. Watch @kelseyhightower talks to @kernelcdub​ about how #Kubernetes has grown since the early days into a truly extensible control plane and what that means for devs.

#K8s #CloudNative #DevOps #API #100DaysOfCode
12. Kubernetes Tutorial - Kubernetes Architecture Explained. Learn about the #Kubernetes Control Plane and Worker Nodes

▶️ #K8s #CloudNative #DevOps #API #100DaysOfCode
13. Getting Started With Logging in Kubernetes: Learn the concepts involved in log processing for containerized apps: unstructured/structured logs, log filtering, load balancing, scalability.

▶️ #Kubernetes #K8s #CloudNative #DevOps #API #100DaysOfCode
That's it for now and next Monday I will bring even more amazing stuff that happens in Kubernetes right for you. Hope you enjoyed this thread and please help me to share this content with your followers.
You can follow @NaveenS16.
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