The job market situation is simple:

After the 2008 crash, employers were able to hire workers for much less than they were worth and got used to having a ton of leverage in the employment market.

They want to do the same exact thing now, but workers aren't having it this time.
In 2009-2010, people with graduate degrees were taking very low paying jobs, people with 10 years experience were laid off and took pay cuts/demotions to keep working, hourly workers were *competing* for jobs at places like Walmart and McDonalds.

This time, it's different.
This time, people know what happened for the last 10 years.

After 2008, conventional wisdom was "take whatever job you can get, you're lucky to have work" but the truth was that those jobs didn't get anyone anywhere. They weren't a path to future success, just more work & debt.
So now people are willing to hold out. They know the truth, that being unemployed and being severely underemployed/underpaid aren't really that different so why take the stress of work for a job that doesn't make your life any more manageable?

Employers are BIG MAD about that.
Employers got used to cheap labor willing to do anything for a paycheck but workers spent the last 10 years waking up to how unfair that system is.

In 2009-2010, the "keep working and you'll make it" myth was still active. In 2021, it's dead. Everyone under 45 knows it's a lie.
They really told my generation our future would "take care of itself" if we just got an education and paid dues at low paying jobs. Many believed it too, and got absolutely screwed after the 2008 crash.

Employers have always counted on that myth to get people to take bad jobs.
The difference now is that we know it's a myth. We know the "American Dream" is only accessible to maybe 25% at the MOST and that employers chew us up/spit us out with absolutely no remorse.

Why take a job unless it pays enough to actually improve our lives? There's no point.
This is a big part of it. People know companies are making money, they know that there are some decent paying jobs out there, and they're not just thinking "I gotta take whatever I can get because there's no jobs and there won't be any jobs any time soon."
This too. Social media doesn't just spread the word that the economy is rigged, it also creates other opportunities like streaming/gig work that are responsive to the actual free market instead of employers trying to keep wages low for their own profit.
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