1/3 Speeding up COVID-19 vaccination in hotspots and for essential workers will cut SARS-CoV2 infections, hospitalization, ICU admission and death. (Hotspotting is an effective way to target many essential workers.) #COVID19Ontario https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/sciencebrief/a-vaccination-strategy-for-ontario-covid-19-hotspots-and-essential-workers/
2/3 Just by targeting vaccines on hotspots, we can prevent 20% of SARS-CoV2 infections in folks 16-59 years old -- and 18% infections overall (!!). (This assumes 50% of our vaccines are for anyone aged 16+ in hotspots). #COVID19Ontario https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/sciencebrief/a-vaccination-strategy-for-ontario-covid-19-hotspots-and-essential-workers/
3/3 Focusing on hotspots protects all of us, because vaccines also stop transmission. When we immunize essential workers, we also protect everyone around them (and around them, and them, and so on...). #COVID19Ontario https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/sciencebrief/a-vaccination-strategy-for-ontario-covid-19-hotspots-and-essential-workers/
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