7 reasons why you should never pass blame.

👇*A Thread*👇
Perceived weakness has the potential to ruin people's careers and reputations.

Mistakes can be perceived as weakness and we all make mistakes.

We must protect ourselves from this, but only a coward points fingers.
1. Blaming is avoidance of responsibility.

With decision making comes responsibility, without responsibility there can be no freedom as how can you be truly free whilst others are making decisions for you?

If you want to progress in life choose liberty over comfort, always.
2. Blamers target the vulnerable.

In general, people pick their battles, not many start fights they don't think they can win.

With the blame game they target the weak. It can be people who are bad at defending themselves or someone with a damaged reputation.

Again, cowards.
3. Blaming is contagious.

When someone gets blamed, normally they blame someone else.

It makes me think of a hot potato labelled 'responsibility.'

If you pass blame, you are not only complicit with but responsible for the toxic environment that you subsequently create.
4. Blamers believe their own lies and don't learn from their mistakes.

Desperation for something to be true makes confirmation bias kick in, they genuinely convince themselves they made no mistake and repeat it.

To improve, you must accept and learn from your mistakes.
5. Blamers make needless enemies.

Not all victims of the blame game are as weak as they were judged to be.

Those people won't forget what you did, even if they can't prove it,

They could be ready to call you out for mistakes that normally would go unnoticed.
6. Solutions are not found.

Too much time is spent trying to find who is to blame when a solution to the problem could have been developed much sooner.

Skip the blaming, go straight for solutions.

Even if it was your fault, that demonstrates strength.

Blaming is weakness.
7. Blaming can reveal your agenda.

When people don't like a person, often it's their instinct to subconsciously blame them for everything.

These people aren't even aware of their own vindictive agenda, but it's obvious to everyone else.

It can even lose them their job.
Thank you for reading!

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