A letter to my friends on mental health (1/2) ✨💗
A letter to my friends on mental health (2/2) ✨
I made these comics because I just found it so difficult to share my struggles even with my closest friends and making it into a little comic helped me process my feelings. I’ve never had assistance for my mental health in the past so this is all very new to me!
I wanted to share these comics publicly though because I’m aware of the stigma of struggles with mental health back in the Philippines and wanted to let you know that you’re not alone!
I never felt that I could seek help until something as traumatic as my dad’s death happened and I regret that I did not do it sooner. At the same time, I didn’t know what to do to even start that journey back at home.
@mentalhealthph has a directory and database to get started on the options available for you! It’s accessible information for you to seek assistance. 💗 there’s also a 24/7 crisis hotline available if needed.
Anyway, thanks for reading this and know that I support you and your mental health journeys ✨
You can follow @danichuatico.
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