1/ From leaked documents - the EU is planning two further statements when it concludes the Brexit deal this week. Most remarkable is this - the EU will terminate criminal law cooperation under the deal if the UK denounces the ECHR or guts the Human Rights Act.
2/ In the case that a data protection adequacy decision is ended, it's *possible* that the EU will end criminal law cooperation under the deal as a whole ("where necessary").
3/ This implements the option under the Brexit deal for either side to terminate the criminal law part in the event that the UK or any Member State denounces the ECHR or any of the three protocols referred to. I discuss that further here: http://eulawanalysis.blogspot.com/2021/01/analysis-3-of-brexit-deal-human-rights.html
4/ If it happened this wouldn't end all criminal law cooperation between EU Member States and the UK - there are other international treaties on extradition, for instance. But these are less far-reaching. And denouncing the ECHR might mess with their application too.
5/ The other new statement. The Council is irritated by the promises that the Commission will make to the European Parliament re monitoring implementation of the agreement.
6/ What is the Council annoyed about? I haven't seen the Commission statement. But the gist of it is set out in the resolution approving the Brexit deal that the EP will vote on tomorrow.
7/ The Council is also going forward with four other statements agreed already in February. Here's the text with my discussion in this earlier thread. They concern implementation, fisheries, and equality of Member States. HOWEVER...> https://twitter.com/StevePeers/status/1359247734344155140?s=20
8/ The previously agreed statements have been amended. The fisheries text now refers to possible retaliation if there's no agreement.
9/ And the "level playing field" statement now contains more text on subsidies. Every sentence after the first one has been added.
10/ No, there's nothing in the statements relating to implementation of the NI protocol or any other part of the withdrawal agreement. https://twitter.com/CantWeDoBetter/status/1386699608072597505?s=20
11/ EU Member States' representatives due to approve conclusion of Brexit deal without discussion Wed morning - https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-8151-2021-INIT/en/pdf
The final sign-off will be by national ministers by written procedure.
12/ Here's the full text of the Commission's statement to the European Parliament re its role in implementation of the Brexit deal (h/t @POLITICOEurope) - https://www.politico.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/27/20210422-Statement-to-EP-renumbered.pdf
13/ European Parliament vote in favour of the Brexit deal - still needs the formal step of conclusion by the Council (Member States' ministers) - https://twitter.com/tconnellyRTE/status/1387302765236457472?s=20
Member States' permanent reps due to sign off and forward to ministers later this morning.
14/ Full text of the European Parliament resolution on EU/UK relations adopted alongside giving consent to the Brexit deal: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/B-9-2021-0225_EN.html
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