Wow, so close to 10k Twitter friends

Unbelievable 🤩

I had no idea that when I started tweeting last year that I would ever reach 10k

Here are some tips if you want to get there 👇
When you're starting out, getting traction is hard

Pick a niche and stick to it

Find big accounts in that niche and interact with them

This will increase your visibility and get you initial followers
Share stuff that you know or that you are learning (related to your niche)

You don't have to be an expert

Tweeting what you are learning is also a great way to grow
Friendships and connections > followers

Prioritize friendships and quality connections over lots of followers

Connect with the right people that won't unfollow you quickly

This will also improve engagement in your tweets
Avoid using hashtags

I almost never use hashtags. I find that tweets without hashtags do better and don't look as spammy

When you use hashtags you look like you are promoting something, instead of talking to people
Be consistent!

At least 2 quality tweets per day (unique tweets, not replies)

If you have nothing to say, don't force it

Quality > quantity
Reply to as many people as you can that interact with your tweets

Engage with your new friends and don't leave people hanging

It's also a great way to "bump" up your tweets because your connections will see your replies and naturally see your original tweet
Reply to your DMs

Be helpful and respectful, you never know who may become your next client

Most of my social media leads come from Twitter DMs

If you ignore them, you are missing out
Ignore the trolls

The more followers you have, the more haters you will attract

Mute or block them and move on

They are not worth your time
If you can afford it, give back to the community with gifts and giveaways

It's a great way to give back but also get more followers

Beware that these new followers may also unfollow you quickly and this is why building friendships is more important
Stay away from contentious subjects

This is a bit controversial because people want to use their voice if they have a big following

There is nothing wrong with that

It's your account and do whatever you want with it

I stay away from these topics because it's not for me
Have some fun and don't take things too seriously

Focus on growing your network, engaging with cool people, and learning

The rest will fall into place 🙌
You can follow @natmiletic.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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