when it comes to voicing my own opinions, i used to be very vocal about it. now i need to login a whole new account to even think about something that i want to say

mob mentality is a killer and after watching the sixstriker video, i realized i participated in mob mentality...
and im sorry. i never like voicing my opinions because if i think of something different than somebody popular i immediately get intimidated and it just stays clouded in my head.

opinions are a very subjective thing but i do think at the end of the day everybody...
should be able to voice their opinions good or bad. when it came to the sixstriker video, i honestly had 0 problem with it. its just that a bigger creator intimidated me and made me do a full 180. its not the creators fault that i thought that, rather its my own.
i would like to personally apologize to @SixStriker for commenting agreeing with the mob and getting all that hate when in reality he deserved none of it. if there is one real takeaway from this thread: dont let someone change your opinion if you really believe in it
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