since its #lesbianvisibilityday, here are some things you can do to support us - 🧵
pay us $1000 everytime you call a guy your "favorite lesbian"
pay us $1000 everytime u invalidate lesbians who use he/him and they/them pronouns
pay us $1000 every time u make a "hey mamas" joke
pay us $1000 every time you call us biphobic for literally existing
just drop ur credit card number in general
pay us $1000 every time you support/identify as a bi or pan lesbain
tw // d-slur

pay us $1000 every time you say dyke
pay us $1000 every time you narrow our sexuality down to something like liking bees
pay us $1000 dollars if youve ever responded to someone coming out as a lesbian with "as long as you don't have a crush on me"
or if you've told a lesbian "i can make you straight"
pay us $1000 every time you use the lipstick lesbian flag (left) instead of the correct one (right)
end of thread! lesbians feel free to add
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