Worshipping gangs sounds a lot like worshipping cops to me. But it’s a mentality I understand very well. Nobody sucks gangster cock harder than the Italian American community https://twitter.com/kuntajay/status/1386670797130014728
If you think leftism means exchanging one group of medieval bosses (the cops) for another (the gangsters), you’re definitely American, and definitely dumb as all shit. Go down to Juarez or Sicily and see how nice a real gang is once it has captured true power.
Criminals aren’t here to fulfill your romantic vision of rebellion or revolution. They’re here to extort you and make money. Its that simple and trying to apply politics to them is hilarious.
So every now and again whoever the new Boss is rides by in his Cadillac and throws a turkey leg out the window for the peasants to eat, now we gotta say he’s better than cops? Hahahahahahahahahaaha. He’s the same as them. He is the cops.
Nothing is better for a mob boss than your community having its back broken. He has the same goal as the cops. The more broken ppl around, the more loot the Boss makes. More junkies the better. More failing businesses to extort. And the more stuff made illegal, the higher profit
If I was a mob boss I’d be trying to get the very shirt on your back made illegal, so I could sell it to you for triple the profit on the black market
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