When you look for a street photography camera, the very first aspect you’ll want to consider is size.
Because here’s the thing about street photography: The less that people notice your camera, the better.

Hence, you need a Camera that is compact
If you’re planning on doing lots of street photography, then you’re going to need a camera that shoots fast.
Because the best street photos tend to involve a convergence of elements.

You will need a camera that has A high continuous shooting speed.
For street photography, you need a camera that has Excellent autofocus with strong eye detection.

I’m talking about systems that can nail focus instantly, as well as track a subject through a complex array of objects without losing focus.
Getting a camera that can shoot in silence was a real game-changer for my street photography.
Finally, I could shoot without people realizing, and it made me feel so much less anxious.

You will need a camera that has silent shooting mode.
A tilting screen
This feature is a bit more optional, but it’s still useful in quite a few situations.
You see, there will be times when you want to shoot from the hip (i.e., keep your camera held down low and fire off some shots).
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