A CNN reporter telling me none of this is true makes me absolutely believe it is 100% true. https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1386340800884269056
I know for some people, history only began yesterday, but I’m old enough to remember “We have to pass the bill [Obamacare] to find out what’s in it.”

And what’s in it turned out to be exorbitant premiums, sky high deductibles, and a loss of many plans for lots of people.
We were told it was going to make healthcare more affordable.

It didn’t.

And that’s just one piece of legislation where warning of the unintended consequences were mocked as “false” and wanting to “kill grandma.”
If we need to meet X goal to “combat climate change”, and cutting red meat consumption by 90% and animal product consumption by 50% gets us to that goal...why would any reasonable person conclude otherwise? Especially given government’s history of screwing things up?
I mean, such a requirement will decimate restaurants, grocers, farmers/dairy, anyone who works on producing/delivering meat and animal products.

Unemployment would go higher than you’ve ever imagined. The economy would collapse.
And...coming from the “Defund the police!” crowd...such a ban on red meat and animal products would require a massive law enforcement agency to ensure compliance.
But some guy from CNN — which is always honest and above board — tells me not to worry. That it’s all lies.

Which is *precisely* the time to worry.
I’m gonna go buy a whole cow from a local farmer while it’s still legal to do so.
Also, let’s not forget that the left has pushed for eating bugs, plant-based “meat” and veganism as eco-friendly diets. They’ve *wanted* us to not eat meat. Why the hell would we believe such a bill wouldn’t help them achieve that goal?
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