joongdok ‘midnight diner’ au. yjh is a restaurant owner while kdj is a normal salaryman. Kdj keeps being bullied with overtime and leaves work at 9 pm and yjh’s restaurant is the only one open. The menu has only one item on it— fried dumplings— which pisses kdj off at first
bc he’s hungry and dumplings are Not a supplement for rice. but none of the restaurants are open so he’s forced to order the dumplings. The diner is empty except for him and after finishing his dumplings he complains to the very stoic yjh that he wants some ramen on top of
alcohol, then about 5 minutes later yjh reemerges with exactly what he’d envisioned in his mind that he wanted to eat.

Kdj: ????????????
Anyways i dont want to go into the details but basically kdj frequents yjh’s diner every night ordering whatever comes to his head and yjh just magically is able to make it. And it tastes really good too. Kimcom eventually appear one by one as yjh’s patrons. Yjh and kdj
fall in love slowly but it’s mostly because kdj can’t believe whatever yjh makes tastes good and challenges him to make increasingly difficult dishes. How does yjh’s cooking taste this good? Plus yjh’s running this diner as a night job. Doesn’t yjh need to sleep? What does
yjh do during the day?

(insert plot) kdj accidentally breaks yjh’s bowls while drunk by knocking them over and yjh, who thinks kdj is very cute, threatens kdj with how expensive the bowl was. Kdj nearly cries from looking at the price on an antique website. Yjh makes him stay
behind to do the dishes and kdj (still drunk) agrees meekly. While kdj is fumbling with the dishes he sobers up but not really and suddenly yjh is standing up from the other end of the kitchen and walking over to him. Yjh swiftly hugs kdj and kisses him. Kdj is too surprised to


the next day kdj wakes up in yjh’s home (note: they did not fuck) almost late for work. Yjh drives kdj to work. And then kdj witnesses yjh walking into minosoft with him... and being escorted away by a secretary...
(turns out yjh is the son of the ceo of his company........ but he owns 40% of the shares........)

they get together and kdj never complains about overtime ever again. the end
also extras everyone visiting yjh’s restaurant is surprised but not really when kdj emerges from yjh’s kitchen as yjh’s part time waiter. they’re just not used to getting a side of dog food while yjh and kdj do their thing behind the bar while they eat...
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