Depressing take but the Johnson family are eugenicists

Stanley wrote books about population issues and control

Boris said "let the bodies pile high" and has also written about population control

Yet they have both sired 6+ children each.
Seems to me that they're more interested in decreasing populations elsewhere, while increasing the population "at home"
(Bojo's unacknowledged children obviously aren't in his home, hence the quotes)
This seems par for the course when you consider their previous hits
"Slur 2"
"Slur The Thurd"
"Hate Speech"
and of course,
"I Support My Son's Hate Speech, The Movie"
for this tweet I typed "Letter Boxes" for the first one but when I found myself having to google how to spell an actual slur our Prime Minister said about black people's smiles, I called it quits
In case someone brings this thread up when I run for office in 2078, this is just my 2021 opinion. Time will tell ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
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