Thread| Reminder that ur you're loved <3
You're valid,, you're special,, you're so cool,, and like I said.. you're loved!! <3
Drink some water if you haven't today! (If you can rn, if not get some water later!!)
Also eat something if you can!
I hope you got a good amount of sleep last night!! If you didn't then try talking a nap whenever you can!! :]
If you're sleeping by the time this is sent that's fine!! You'll be able to wake up and hopefully see this!!
If you're stressed, sad, scared or anything else, it's okay!!
If you're stressed do things that calm you down,, or listen to calming videos!
If you're sad do things that make you happy!! Venting is also an option if you have someone to vent to. <3
If you're scared refer to -
- the stressed one, do something that'll calm you down and listen to music or calming sounds like calm rain, wind blowing through trees,, ect! Whatever your comfort sound may be <3
If you bind,, make sure to not bind for over 8 hours today!! <3
Go brush your hair!!
Brush your teeth if you haven't already!! >:]
You're so SO important and I love you so so much, even if we don't know eachother personally I still love you!! <3 You matter so much to me! :D
I hope your day has been going/went amazing!! If it did you deserved it!! <3
If not then I'm sorry!! :[ Things will get better, I promise. If not tomorrow then the next day!! Or maybe it'll get better when you least expect it! <3
Make sure to take breaks and not overwork yourself!!
If you're angry over something or having a panic attack, take a deep breath in and out, repeat that for a bit!! It can help you can down! If it doesn't help find something to distract yourself with!! <3
You're swag! :D
You're one of the most amazing people! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!! <3
If you think you're hated by everyone,, you're wrong!!
I love you so much,, so do other people!! Don't forget that!!
Many people care about you, even if you can't see it yourself <3
Sometimes we can be blind to see it, but many people love and care!!
If you're way of comforting when ur sad is watching mcyts, go watch them rn!! <3 (If you're sad ofc!! or better yet, watch them either way if you want! They're pog just like you!!)
There's so many people that wouldn't know what they'd do without you, including me!! <3
If you have any medications that you need to take go take them please!! They're important just like you and your health!! <3
I love you so much!! <3 I've said that so many times now but it's just true!! I love you!! Don't forget it!
If you're in a bad spot in life right now and your thoughts are almost completely negative - don't worry!! You'll get through this! I know you will!! You're strong! And you've gotta keep staying strong!! <3
I'm so glad I met everyone here! Even if we don't know eachother, you're reading this thread!! And I'm here for you! <3 Even if you follow me or not!
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