I cannot begin to describe how much I loath the film Nomadland.

Isn’t it amazing that a film about nomadic lifestyle taking place in the western United States manages to not even acknowledge Native Americans once?

Modern nomads? Give me a fucking break. Small spoilers ahead 1/
This film is nothing more than a petite bourgeois romanticization from middle class artists, built upon selective memory of the bloody history.

Films like this love to present the beauty of the American West as untouched by human. They forget it used to be teeming with ppl. 2/
This film isn’t abt freedom, but the illusion of it. Every character is intimately tethered to or even actively participates in the capitalist society. Real nomads are 1 w/ nature. They live off the land & take care of it. They don’t drive vans across stolen land. 3/
In the film they say the “nomads” are ppl left behind by society. It tries to portray their desperation. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe the director and crew should visit a reservation struggling w/ generational poverty before they talk about being abandoned and desperate. 4/
I have no doubt some of the real life characters featured do suffer from hardship. But the main character Fern clearly has a support structure from family & friends. But she repeatedly refuses their help, then she whines about how she didn’t become “houseless” by choice. 5/
In the film Fern’s sister likened her to the frontiersman and praised her bravery. LMAO. Yep, just like the frontiersman appropriated and fucked up the land, Fern is appropriating and fucking up the nomadic lifestyle. There ain’t nothing brave about it. 6/
If you think about it, Fern is in fact a migrant worker, just like 100s millions of other hard working ppl on the planet. Choosing to live in a van doesn’t suddenly make her a nomad, and knowing Shakespeare doesn’t make her story any more special or poetic than the others’. 7/
But it’s really no surprise that this film won the Oscar. It won because WASPY Hollywood types love Georgia O’Keeffe and rich white ppl love glamping.

/rant over
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