let's talk about normalised lesphobia since it's lesbian visibility day, non lesbians rt and LISTEN !
making "lesbian" seem like a taboo word or that the label is somehow dirty which it isn't.
saying "i love lesbians" when you get off to lesbian porn as a non-lesbian.
saying "i get lesbians" when you're not one.
saying we can't compliment men bc it means we're not lesbians.
telling us who we are bc we stan boygroups.
this whole "gold star lesbian" business has got to GO!
demonising lesbians for literally anything.
telling us who we are in general.
saying bi / pan lesbians are valid when in reality they're invalidating all labels, especially lesbians as we're not attracted to men.
implying lesbianism can somehow include men, it's a man free space and the jokes are only funny when WE make them.
invalidating lesbians who have been w men in the past.
if you're a non lesbian mad at me, it hit a nerve obviously so... that says something ab YOU, not me ❤️ this is muted so argue w the wall
oh and, non-binarys are included in lesbianism, the same as every other sexuality... i'm a non-binary lesbian myself
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