1/7 Thread (please read points all before responding).
Well said Ash. There can be no comparison to the Holocaust and it's deeply disturbing to witness people demean the Holocaust like this. I think many people are ignorant of history and of the significance of the Shoah and https://twitter.com/Ash_Hirani/status/1386090625251090432
2/7 don't understand why wearing a yellow star is demeaning to those who perished in the Shoah. But I think rather people wearing yellow stars to protest it's far more effective to point out - as I have done myself- the following two points. The first being that vaxxine passports
3/7 (both domestic and international, I am very against both of these) create a subclass of citizens, based on who is 'clean' and 'unclean', like the Nazis did to the Jews and similar to what the apartheid regime did to my fellow South Africans. So those want to
4/7 bring in vaxxine passports are following a very dark path set by monsters. The other point is that vaxxine passports make these vaxxines mandatory, violating the Nuremberg Code, written after the horrors of the Shoah to make sure that nobody was ever again medically
5/7 experimented on. This is something I have written on and stressed a lot on here. It's a moral rather than a legal code but should still stand. What is far more dangerous to us Jews is not the inappropriate wearing of yellow stars but the seismic changes in our society and the
6/7 destruction of our economy. History shows that when this happens it is never good for us Jews. Where are the protests over this, the abhorrent grab on our civil liberties and this creation of a subclass of people? It's good and right to protest the demeaning and inappropriate
7/7 use of yellow stars but it rings hollow when those protesting are silent against the other human rights transgressions taking place right now like the violation of the Nuremberg Code. There is nothing wrong with pointing out parallels in history either, to learn from them.
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