hey it's 2 am and you know what that means! when we think abt bktd getting into a relationship we usually think of emotionally constipated idiots who are too awkward to be affectionate with each other. so true, that's amazing, but i have a proposal for you.
I raise you bktd being teenagers who love each other more than they can deal with and that subsequently spills into their actions.
shouto walks into class every morning and without fail pecks katsuki on the cheek in front of everyone. it's really embarrassing for all parties involved but every morning after class, katsuki drags him outside and kisses him silly, so shouto thinks it's all worth it.
shouto sometimes doesn't know how to exactly ask for a hug, but katsuki just knows anyways. shouto gets a certain look in his eyes, a certain yearning just for a touch from him. it's stupid and endearing that shouto would hesitate to ask in the first place.
so katsuki indulges him. any time, any place. sometimes he can tell from more than a look, like the way shouto's hands twitch slightly at his sides when katsuki comes near, or when he rocks on the balls on his feet after katsuki walks him to his dorm room door.
rides home on the subway are filled with hugs. coming home from weekly grocery trips to stock up the dorm's kitchen means sneaking sweet treats and sneaking sweet kisses. occasionally there's old geezers who will scoff at them but katsuki will scoff at them right back.
katsuki is a bit protective of people he loves, so the hand that habitually rests on the small of shouto's back isn't coming off unless shouto says it's coming off or his hand is cut off. shouto likes the warmth and security that it gives him.
shouto loves to play with katsuki's hair. it's amusing how unruly and mussed up it is. he loves it when katsuki pushes back his hair with a simple cloth headband because then it's perfect for shouto to drop kisses on his forehead whenever he likes.
sometimes, after an unexpected villain attack, and they just happen to get separated, shouto just likes to cup his hands around the base of katsuki's neck. katsuki doesn't pay much mind to it because he's often busy kissing him breathless but shouto does it to feel his pulse.
when it all gets to be too much, katsuki finds himself with his head pillowed on todoroki's chest, ear against his steadily drumming heartbeat. it's a reminder that everything good still exists, and it’s right there inside of shouto.
tucking a lock of hair behind an ear means "you're cute", a quick peck to the nose means "you are too". a steady hand squeezing a sweaty palm means "I'm here", and an iron grip back means "thank you".
they don't really need the words, because deft fingers gently tracing high cheekbones means "I love you", and a simple kiss back means "I love you too".
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