Hm, people are always alright with BingQiu until the topic of their dubcon First Time appears.

I want you to first consider: what narrative purpose does it serve, for mxtx to choose to make BingQiu's first time a painful dubcon?
If, instead, Luo Binghe had slashed and stabbed Shen Qingqiu with Xin Mo, uncontrollable from the demonic chi, and Shen Qingqiu sacrifices himself with a passionate kiss instead, it would serve a similar purpose to the dubcon papapa, right?

So why did mxtx choose dubcon?
You have to fall back to what svsss was originally about, a meta analysis and criticism of stallion novels in a literary form.

Here, she was obviously criticizing how stallion novels solve most situations with a wild papapa. The papapa in stallion novels are usually gratifying,
empowering the protagonist and fulfilling the fantasy of the reader.

The papapa version she wrote in svsss? Painful, hopeless, lost. It was the complete opposite of what many would expect from a stallion novel.

But it also had something stallion novels did not.

It held love.
Shen Qingqiu loved Luo Binghe.

It was that love that let him choose to sacrifice himself and save the man he loved.

You can also tell, through Binghe's regrets, that he truly loved Shizun too.
That dubcon scene was uncomfortable, yes. It was horrifying, yes. But that was the meta-literary point.

It was also from going through the dubcon papapa, that Shen Qingqiu was finally able to see clearly the person Luo Binghe was and always has been.
I also want to stress that Shen Qingqiu was not only giving up his ass, but also his actual life force during that dubcon. He was doing everything he could to save Binghe and I hate how people always gloss over that.

That Shen Qingqiu was willingly prepared to die.
Something he had been doing his entire time in SV to avoid, he freely gave away so that Binghe would grow to be healthy, safe, and strong.

It was what finally activated the other half of the SV title: the Self-Saving System.
Mxtx planned for this dubcon scene to happen from the very beginning.

I'm sorry if the dubcon scene was uncomfortable to you, but I hope you see why and how it ended up like it did and respect Mxtx's decision on why she built BingQiu like this.
Their story may not have a happy beginning, but that doesn't make them who they are. It's the rest of their story, of who they choose to be, that defines them as BingQiu.

And Shen Qingqiu? He chose to be with Luo Binghe.
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