rating films ive watched on netflix since april 26, 2021
1. fractured. genre: kinda horror and thrill - 100/10. mygod. this is the best movie i have watched this month. i cant speak for the past months kay i forgot about them but reallyyyy, IT IS SO GOOD. I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT. the execution was superb, THE PLOT OMYGOD THE PLOT
WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO NICELY WRITTEN HAHHSHSHHAHA i cant speak about technical stuff since im not a movie person or make a movie review about it since i know no one would read it and it requires so much brain power to write one but i am tweeting this as a mere bored teenager
who wants people to know what i watched (which includes my bare reactions and feelings lol) and to give them ideas if they should watch it also. this movie really made me gasp for air and have that “holy shit yawa” moment hehehehe also, im scared to make a review
since i dont want to spoil anything and give u any ideas on what to expect hdhsjjajsjs i suck at writing anything this thread is so badly written but i just want to say that this movie is a must-watch bye
2. sniper ultimate kill (apr 26) - 6/10. typical action film. super predictable. nothing new about it. i already knew who the traitor the first time he showed up. no chemistry with the leading couple. cant even make this thread long bc there’s nothing to say haha it kinda sux
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