Periodic reminder that when you see a really cool-looking number you should always ask where it came from and what it means.

It’s ok. it’s not rude. the number *likes* to be asked personal questions
My personal favorite question to ask the 72% mover question (because geographer) is how distance is calculated. 😆 h/t @liuluyu0378
Another—very basic, but VERY important—question about the “72% people live within 20 miles of childhood home” is simply: where do these data come from??

From usual Census Bureau stats we can calculate folks living in state of birth. Distance is a rarer stat in the US context.
Migration is a bit special (again, I might be biased on this because population geographer), because there are TWO locations to measure: origin & destination. In this case, as @graykimbrough notes, what does “childhood home” even mean? That phrase is doing a lot of heavy lifting.
A quiz!! I *do* like quizzes!!

How far do you live from where you were born? âŹ‡ïžâŹ‡ïž
Good one from @drjosephpierce. I lay in bed thinking about this last night—“most Americans live close to where they were born” must have a lot to do w/age structure? (It’s ALWAYS age structure)

Places with lots of <18 are going to have lots of people living close to birthplace?
Also, standard migration disclaimer: folks observed in same place in T & T-1 may still have moved in between. This hidden migration is easy to miss

Am currently ~4,500m from my birthplace, but if I retire in Bloomington, IN & am surveyed there, it’ll be like I never moved at all
I’m always a fan of thinking carefully about the data and you should be too. As my dear friends @minnpop say:

Talk data to me
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