Hello all, I said a few days ago I had revelations, well here they are. I am currently in hospital in London & I've been talking to many nurses re: CoVid & the restrictions, all are sceptical & one in particular was very forthcoming about how patients are tested over & over until
They yield a positive result. None of them enjoy, or see the point in wearing masks, one complained of quite bad 'mask mouth,' which has left her with permanent marks on her face following an unpleasant rash. All are afraid to speak up for fear of losing their jobs!
This is the climate of fear our govt's have created in both the work space & the public arena.

It is clearly nothing to do with a virus & everything to do with control.

Gov't agencies around the world have been busy developing the infrastructure necessary for the Great Reset
And they have distracted us with the four big 'C's,' CoVid, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism & of course Climate Change.

The conspiracists were right from the get go, digital i.d's & social credit à la China, has always been the goal & anything that stood in the way
Has had to be removed, most notably Trump.

Globalism will see all the world's resources handed to a very few rich & powerful elites who sacrificed their own humanity long ago & now wish to divest us of ours.
The future will see everyone & everything connected to the internet of
Things. All things natural inc childbirth will be a thing of the past. The world these people envisage for us is positively post-human & CoVid is just one of the many tools they will use to achieve that end.

More viruses are planned, cyber attacks are planned. The complete
Destruction of the western hemisphere as we know it, is planned, & by that I mean everything Inc the people & religions, individual races will be destroyed & religion will be replaced as it already is by the cult of climate change & sustainability goals aka communism.
The new world order as dreamt of all those decades ago by the likes of Henry Kissinger, a totalitarian nightmare for the rest of us, is cresting now & will soon be the (new) norm, as is being touted daily by MSM mouthpieces.

It is not a world I want for myself or my children
I am old enough to remember playing freely in fields of green far from the prying eyes of authority, at one with nature, paddling in the brook, catching falling leaves, singing & dancing around a campfire or throwing snowballs at my neighbours, none of this will happen in the new
World, it will be a much more sterile clinical environment, where work is delegated, health engineered, birth artificial and everything is micromanaged by an all powerful state, a one world party presided over by technocrats & psychotics whose greatest pleasure it seems, is
Controlling what we are able to do & deciding whether or not it is permissable.

You will need a permit for everything & if you haven't got one, you will, at the very least, be eyed with suspicion.

This is a godless world which becomes more unnatural & perverse the more you
Look into it. One soon has the sensation of having peered into the abyss & seen something one should never have seen.

I can't write anymore atm as I'm rather weak & tired, but congratulations to all you freedom fighters & truth Seekers who marched on Saturday, you did us proud!
I will be back in a week or so with a new campaign. The spirit of Boudicca is still strong with this one & I shall once again take to the streets & whatever platforms I can to spread the message of truth, hope, love & freedom.

Take care all, Mandy-Rose X
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