For as long as I can remember, I've watched the #Oscars live each year. Not today. Films will always be important, but this year, being surrounded by family battling #COVID19, grieving friends & the terrible uncertainty in India, my heart was just not in the ceremony itself.
I am glad though that #Nomadland won the #BestPicture #Oscar. I disagree with those who feel that #ChloeZhao's film romanticises poverty. For me, Nomadland is about detachment and hope in the worst circumstances. It was a meditative experience. Plus, #FrancesMcDormand ❤️🙂
Sorry for sounding low in the first tweet in this thread. It's just that kind of day. I am already cheered up, and will tweet about the other winners later. Stay safe, everyone ❤️❤️❤️
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