Just a few things about hotel quarantine - because everyone seems to be talking shit to idiots and have learned nothing over 12 months. Which is not surprising in contemporary Australia where everything seems to have become a choose your own adventure fantasy /Thread
1. Just because the Feds can do something under the Constitution, doesn't mean they have to or should, because states can still legislate in the absence of Fed legislation. Do you want the Feds running quarantine? Really? That mob of useless incompetents who couldn't run a bath?
2. But! Because the Feds have constitutional power, they also arguably have some semblance of responsibility, if through nothing else than funding because of the enormity of the vertical fiscal imbalance. They were given constitutional power for real reasons here.
3. For 12 months now, anyone without Covid Brain has argued that quarantine facilities outside of the CBD should not be a substitute for HQ, but an expansion, that also brings with it more risk management options to substantially reduce the probability of HQ related outbreaks.
4. Any quarantine facility must be close to internationally capable airports, with existing water, power and sewage infrastructure, *in stand alone cabins*, and close to full service tertiary hospitals. Not the desert or mining camps in Woop Woop.
5. This means, effectively, that NSW is out here as a destination, as health infrastructure follows population, most people live in and around Sydney, in a densely populated environment with few options for this. NSW should take a back seat and STFU for once.
6. *The State* has a responsibility not to give people diseases in quarantine. HQ was never fit for purpose for all cases, and it shows by having an infection rate that while 99% successful, would be considered a failure in most other critical health units.
7. 15 or so new quarantine facilities is a further six to eight thousand people a week on top of HQ. If we did this when it was first called for - nearly 12 months ago - all Australians would be home, and migration and international students would be coming in.
8. We'll use these facilities in this way for years - they are not white elephants - and if you can't figure out in your head how these facilities can provide ongoing use for a range of beneficial social policy programs in the future, you are a moron and should be quiet.
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