Ok I’m gonna go on a mini rant. I saw someone answer with Twilight and a lot of the comments are calling out Titanic. And those answers really irked me. So here goes nothing... 1/ https://twitter.com/alltimemoviesyt/status/1386001997850152962
When i think of overrated movies I’m thinking of movies that left seemingly no impact. The video calls out Avatar, and you can agree or disagree. But if we are viewing “overrated” through this lens then i think Twilight and Titanic absolutely cannot fall into this category. 2/
Whether you want to admit it or not, Twilight changed the landscape of Hollywood. Not only did both the leads become breakout stars, but how many YA romances and vampire and werewolf movies and shows came after this? 3/
If we are to choose a James Cameron movie that’s overrated I would agree that that prize should go to Avatar. Besides the fact that the plot is Pocahontas in space, I’ve never met anyone that could tell me a single thing about that movie. 4/
So let’s talk about Titanic. Let’s talk about how Leo became a star after this. Let’s talk about Kate Winslet. Let’s talk about karaoke staple My Heart Will Go On. 5/
Let’s talk about some of the most famous quotes, many of which i see film bros like those in the comments quoting. “I’m king of the world!” “Paint me like one of your french girls.” “I won’t let go.” 6/
Let’s talk about one of the best Britney Spears bridges of all time.

“But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end?” 7/
If you want to find overrated movies, i agree looking at the Oscars is a great start. There are so many movies that have won and no one remembers. Titanic however is not one of them. 8/
It’s funny how men tend to call out movies whose target demographic are women and call them overrated or terrible or boring. Hate it break it to you, but just because you aren’t the target audience doesn’t automatically make it a bad movie. 9/
I’m not saying you can’t have an opinion, but what i am saying is that we all need to check our biases because even in inane questions like this it can come out.

Anyways, Oscar night riled me up. So you can ignore this thread.

The end.
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