// vent , neg

hh i hate to talk abt irl stuff anywhere so im probably gonna delete in a bit but mannn my life is kinda a mess atm and it just really really sucks
been in a depressive spiral for like 2 weeks and just plain old Overwhelmed since like october of last year and it sucks bc like ,, it's all really easily "avoidable" stuff technically? but im entirely failing to get stuff done and idk why
not to mention the immense amounts of existential dread i feel whenever i think abt the future ,, everything just feels like Too Much and not worth it at All and im really really frustrated with myself and like life in general
also im actually like ,, creatively Inspired?? for the first time in what feels like forever ?? but i dont have the TIME to get anything done but i do stuff like write and draw anyway only to regret it once i look at the growing list of crap i have yet to get done hhh
sorry for all the negativity :( im fine, just really really tired of school haha i just wanna Write goddammit let me LIVEEE
anyway a reminder for future dr3 when i come to delete this thread (or when i just impulsively refresh it for whatever reason): go back to doing ur stat work !! uve got this,, just take things one step at a time and Breathe for goodness' sake. do it for the kitty
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