Before ppl have a fit at me again, I'll put the full moon tweet up. I wish @Twitter would give us longer character space like Facebook. Sorry but it's going to take more than a very short thread.
Ok, tomorrow the 27th of April is the pink super full moon in Scorpio....👇👇👇👇
The moon's fullest point will occur at 1330hrs AEST (Please adjust for your own time zones - it will be the 26th still in many places too). Being a super moon, it's much closer to the earth & therefore the energetic pull & impact is significantly increased......👇👇👇👇👇
I know many of you, including me, have been really feeling this extremely intense full moon energy for a week or so.

Scorpio & the moon dancing together mean double intense water energy & double emotional impact. It'll bring increased emotional sensitivity.....👇👇👇👇
...and increased connection with your higher self/intuition.

On the 19th the 🌞moved into the sign of Taurus, an earth sign, giving us grounding energy. Taurus is connected to our bodies & nature & so connects to sexual, physical & natural desires in general....👇👇👇👇
The polarity of the Scorpio/Taurus alignment atm, is concerned w/ balance of the physical issues of daily life & being grounded in its daily pleasures & balanced w/ digging deep into life's emotional complexities, transformation & exposing mysteries/things kept hidden....👇👇👇👇
This doesn't necessarily mean straightforward dishonesty. It can be not being able to see the forest for the trees & a light bulb moment happens. Or seeing things/people clearly for what they really are, where you may not have been prepared to look at closely b4....👇👇👇👇
With the moon in Scorpio, this energy will be most intense with Scorpios obviously, but it will affect us all in different ways, depending on where the sun and the planets sit in your individual charts.

With the moon ruling over emotions & sensitivity, striking a balance...👇👇
...between emotions & groundedness will be a significant area for all this moon phase but as I said, manifest in different ways dependant on our personal alignments.

The full moon is a time 2 wrap up, reap the harvest of the seeds planted either consciously or.....👇👇👇👇
...subconsciously during the last new moon energy. The full moon will illuminate what has worked and hasn't worked for you in all aspects of your life.

The moon has a reputation 4 making us moody & emotional & she's come to us this time as a super moon...👇👇👇
...making her pull on us much more intense. If you've built life on positives since the new moon this will intensify positively and negative with negative. A common spiritualist saying - the universe ALWAYS provides, but it provides from the energy you give out....👇👇👇👇
Spiritualists/Buddhists and similar are very aware to always think and set their actions for the highest good of all. So whichever way you set your intentions, expect emotions to intensify.

With Scorpio & the moon dancing together things will heat up.....👇👇👇👇
Scorpio is the most sexual sign of the zodiac, so expect to feel some hot blooded, passionate, and romantic energy. This energy can also make things a little chaotic. We can also expect more intellectual conversations w/ friends and on deeper levels......👇👇👇👇
Transitions: I'll keep this short altho there's so much to say abt this full moon. Uranus opposes the moon adding further tension to an already highly charged super full moon phase. Think of this planet as the fun police of the universe.....👇👇👇👇
With this opposition, there maybe surprises coming, but not necessarily good ones or the kind you want. Stay positive but prepare for some less than positive happenings for some of you.

The good news is that the Sun, Venus and Mercury are also squatting in Taurus....👇👇👇
...This will ground & balance us somewhat to get through the Scorpio emotional rollercoaster.

Scorpios, Leos & Sagittarians will feel these energies most. Keep in mind, this does not take into consideration individuals planetary alignments at birth.....👇👇👇👇
Leo & Scorpio don't always sit favourably with each other & I suggest to tread carefully around each other 4 a few weeks.

Scorpio's jealousy may bring extreme emotions to the fore & they will feel a somewhat restrictive energy.....👇👇👇👇👇
W/ Sagittarius in Taurus combined w/ the supermoon intensity, Sagittarius won't be feeling on top of the world either.

W/ this intense full moon we'll all likely feel a little vulnerable in some way. The spotlight will be on deep secrets & vulnerabilities....👇👇👇👇
...this will help us face the truth of issues in our lives & bring us into our own power & the start of a big inner emotional/intellectual change in us, especially in Scorpios. It's the beginning of them having the universe forcing them to look at the realities....👇👇👇👇
...and standing in their own power, where they daren't up til now. This may take a month or 2 to really manifest into full action tho.

The energy of Uranus cld give that extra push 2 get us around those corners that we've struggled 2 find a way or the courage to do so....👇👇👇
Finally, being full moon time, don't forget to put your crystals out 4 a full moon bath to re-energise & cleanse them. A super full moon for crystals is like taking a long regenerating shower/bath after a long hard day at work.....👇👇👇👇👇
Believe it or not, this was the very edited version of this pink super full moon alignment. Remember karma is always working. You harvest what you plant. It's the simple law of cause & effect, so always practice mindfulness & do no harm but take no shit.

Love & light
Court xxx
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