
To be fair I feel a lot like shit on most my friend groups. I get I’m the youngest and it’s teehee funny bully me cus I’m young and short. But I honestly low key am beginning to hate it cus it feels like less playful more genuinely mean now.
Like I already hate the fact of my age =/= how I act cus fucking trauma. I get along with no one my age cus they almost all act like little shit heads. They’re annoying. Which sucks cus I get left with having friends older than me who baby me like I don’t know shit
Sure I can be very emotional at times, doesn’t mean I’m immature. And also bullying me for my height has always been sumn I feel like shit about. Like I HATE my height it makes me so dysphoric and it HURTS when my FRIENDS even playfully bully me for it. Like it sucks.
I just constantly feel belittled by my friends because of shit I honestly don’t get a say in. I don’t get a say in how I act compared to me actual age, I don’t get a say in my fucking height. I DONT GET A SAY IN HOW I FEEL. I wish I didn’t have as many emotions as I did. But I do
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