Dear @jkenney @sonyasavage @JasonCoppingAB @shandro my 64 year old father in law has worked in Oil and Gas as a pipe fitter for decades. He thought he was safe to go to #ymm for a shut down. After all, your government told folks this was a flu. ...1
2... He was diagnosed with Covid on April 17. B117 variant. Spreading like wildfire among and within camps. Rapid tests available, but they don’t help prevent spread. No messaging to workers that Covid is airborne. ...
3... He was intubated Friday and is in a full ICU at the Royal Alexandra in #yeg. The nurse in me knows there is a good chance he, with his comorbidities, will not be successfully extubated. When will the @UCPCaucus @Alberta_UCP act to change the trajectory of the 3rd wave?...
4...workplaces and schools are key drivers of infection and warrant closure to reduce new cases. The choice to keep prioritizing livelihoods over lives and health is negligent, morally bankrupt. Albertans deserve so much better....
5... my devoutly conservative-voting father in law deserves better. Our health care workers deserve better. Please be better. Do better.
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