Since a lot of things are getting blooped into existence, I would like to share my thoughts in what might happen inside Inazuma. I haven't checked the archon quest/story quest leaks yet so I'm not sure if any of these are debunked. #原神
Before we start, all of the media that are included in this thread are from the Genshin Impact Fandom Wikia! Big props to the people who are continuing to do a great job in the wikia! I've also been keeping this thread a secret for weeks now lmao 
First of all, and this might actually be debunked now, I think Beidou and the Crux Fleet will be the one taking us into Inazuma.

It's either a smuggling kinda thing or the fleet is trusted enough by Inazuma that we'll simply be let inside the country.
With Beidou's popularity and reputation, it will be easy either way to make excuses on why we're heading to Inazuma. Just hoping that Beidou actually has an appearance. This is a popular one so it's probably nice to see it come true.
Now, to another one.

Scaramouche is related to Baal.

Another popular one. I have a feeling that Scara will hide his harbinger status to the whole of Inazuma. And one Baal finds out, it's either she'll be glad or will fight him.
Okay, now we're going to my very own headcanon.
"II: Omnipresence Over Mortals"

Now, the title simply means that Baal will be the one ruling her own nation as herself, in archon form.
But, Dainsleif mentions that Baal seeks immortality.
I feel like this is a death flag. Instead of getting immortality that she desires, she'll die.

Why will she die? There are many possibilities. The Fatui attack, a rebellion, and maybe even her power backfiring.
How will it affect Inazuma? According to Zhongli, a death of a god is dangerous. Inazuma might be in ruins.
Before I say her death possibilities, let me mention an important headcanon.
The Vision Hunt Decree

This lead to many vision holders to lose their visions. Obviously, this will lead to a group of people forming a rebellion against Baal. We'll probably side with them.
The rebellion might be the reason of her death.
Another reason might be a certain pretty face.

Scaramouche, a harbinger, might be able to defeat Baal with his own hands. So far, only Signora has been able to defeat an archon. (Poor Venti :((( )
I'm having trouble with this next one. I don't think Ayaka will have that much of an important role in the story. But I hope she will.

Ayaka, in her voicelines, welcomes us. She might be the way for the guards and Baal to finally trust us and leave us alone.
From what I've heard around the internet, Baizhu is apparently also pursuing immortality?

I haven't found evidence for this yet but if it's true, he might actually appear in Inazuma arc instead of the Chasm.
Baal and Baizhu pursuing the same thing brings in A LOT of possibilities. I haven't thought of a concrete plot for this but it's very interesting to note!
Maybe Baizhu and Baal might become allies at some point...hmmm but I still don't have concrete evidence on this but I'll update this thread once I do.
Okay I realized something again. Since Xingqiu's book (I guess Albedo's too?) is popular in the country, he might also be a key to get inside. The problem is, no one knows it was him so we would probably get in more trouble because everyone might see us as liars.
okay dumb idea but

We might also get in alongside Chang the Ninth but I doubt he'll be the one. We'll surely see him inside though since he's looking for someone there I think? Not sure SAASHAHSAS-
This one is definitely a reach. Ayaka seems very welcoming and sincere in her voice lines. She might help us gain Baal's trust since she seems to be an important person there. With Ayaka, a known figure by our side, we might explore freely inside the country.
OH While scrolling through the gifs, I remembered something. We might get to know more about Inazuma in a story quest just like Xiangling's. Before the archon quests, someone from Inazuma will drop by Liyue to fetch us or *power of friendship* us.
Or it might just be Xiangling herself. Xiangling is currently travelling every country in Teyvat just like us so it would be amazing to meet her there as well. Maybe we get caught and put to jail together...and also escape together. Oh this will be Guoba's story quest SHAUHSHASHH
Okay new one. On Scaramouche's fandom wiki page, user: Imagism commented and mentioned that Scara's hat has the electro symbol. It's either a nice and simple design choice or a literal symbol of electro or his connection to Baal.
That just takes my theory one lil step ahead but it's still great. It was a nice observation by Imagism.

(side note: this has been in my drafts for so long)
I forgot about this but this is very important: Haishan.

Before we reach Inazuma's shoreline, we might get a Haishan or something related to Haishan boss fight. Just a lil something to make our journey harder. Beidou fought Haishan before so-
-another large beast like it's resurrection or even a leviathan might be a piece of cake to her. I mean, we ARE talking about Beidou here.
Now that we're back to Beidou, she might be a nice candidate for showing Baal that the Vision Hunt Decree is not it. Beidou, harnessing the power of the gods, is using it for a great cause and this might show Baal that visions are rightfully bestowed upon the vision holders.
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