
“You’re cute,” Meian hums.

Atsumu thinks he’d have a stronger defence against this if Meian didn’t have his leaking cock in one hand, his other anchored around Atsumu’s hips, holding him steady, Atsumu’s thighs spread wide over his lap.
“‘M not fuckin’ cute,” Atsumu scowls. Opens his mouth, manages a breath. “Ya can’t say that, fuck—“ and then it’s being choked out of him, because Meian’s thumb is swiping over the head of his cock, & Meian’s lips are curling into a smirk, & Meian’s grip on his hip is digging in.
Atsumu has the distant, hysterical thought about the marks he’ll leave—four fingers & a thumb, imprinted on Atsumu’s skin, & Atsumu wants it so much he could scream—even as his hips buck, a shuddering moan running through him. He drops his head to Meian’s shoulder & Meian laughs.
“Nah, you’re definitely cute like this,” Meian says, and Atsumu can’t help it. He comes like that, legs spread wide, hips rolling, glaring at his captain, pink flushing his cheeks because he likes it, he likes it so much, and it’s fucking embarrassing how quickly he came undone.
“I told you that you were biting off more than you could chew,” Meian says, finally removing his hand from Atsumu’s hip to thumb gently at his cheek. He sounds so kind. It makes Atsumu want to be a brat—his default reaction to embarrassment.
“I’ll bite /you/,” he mutters, and Meian’s laughs. It makes Atsumu flush, all the way down to his stomach. Mortifyingly, his dick twitches in Meian’s hand. God. What kind of fucking combination is a praise AND a humiliation kink?
“You wouldn’t do that,” Meian teases. “You respect your captains too much. You always have.” And that’s fucking unfair, who told Meian about his tendency to develop crushes on his captains?

“Fuck you,” Atsumu says.
Meian’s grin goes wide, warm and clever and a little mean at the corners. Atsumu wants to kiss it off his stupid handsome face.

“Thought you wanted me to fuck you,” he says evenly.

Atsumu flushes again. Then: “Hurry the fuck up, then.”
“Bossy, bossy,” Meian scolds gently, then tugs quick on Atsumu’s oversensitive dick the second he opens his mouth to retort. A moan comes out instead, and Meian smirks.

Atsumu thinks that maybe his captain was right: maybe he bit off more than he could chew.
Looking at Meian’s lazy smirk, the carefulness in his eyes, and feeling the firm warmth of his grip around Atsumu’s dick, Atsumu’s own cum slicking up his hand, though—

Atsumu thinks he really wants to find out what it means to be taken apart by someone who knows how.
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