/ dmsp , rp

xdnf is just an inherently toxic relationship. both of them are fine to use the other for what they want- although they both want very different things.
dreamxd is content to ignore that george isn’t actually his friend (because lbr we know he’s too smart not to actually know george’s heart isn’t where his mouth is) in order for him to have the semblance of friendship that he so craves from the man he’s obsessed with
meanwhile george is content to lie and use dreamxd’s emotions to get the things he wants, whether thats netherite or protection or whatnot.

they're both hurting.
george misses dream dearly, uses sleep to escape his regrets, wants to pretend that dreamxd is dream for the moments he’s allowed so that he doesn’t have to think about dream being in prison
and xd is enamored by a human so fragile but unbothered, remembering flashes of someone in his skin so much more full of life and joy and energy (manhunt!george) but never really seeing that same humanity in dsmp!george
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