My experience as a teacher, both professionally and informally has taught me three things that are most important when it comes to teaching:

(1) patience
(2) persistence
(3) acceptance

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There's a lot of talk today about advanced and curated study techniques like active recall, deliberate learning, the pomedoro technique, deepwork etc.

What comes before all of that however is the right attitude and mindset that you bring towards learning.

A lot of patience.
Students require a level of resilience that you have to cultivate and that requires time.

They all different tempremants and God-given abilities. Everyone learns differently and has their own barriers to break.

If you're not willing to accept that you shouldn't be a teacher.
Persistence and grit is what eventually makes a person.

The more intelligent ones need it to break their own barriers and the less able students need it to overcome their initial ones.

You're going to have to try again and again to get it right for them as students.
Lastly, acceptance is key.

Some students are naturally more gifted than others (to some extent) or have had unfair advantages.

They won't learn the way others will and some of their behaviours and abilities are outside your scope.

That's fine. You need to accept that.
Accepting what's the case helps you build people's futures. I've never met a student who doesn't have specific needs. We can't impose on our students. We have to adapt, serve and push them to do their best.

Sometimes that means not being able to achieve what you want.
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