Let's talk about the other side of self-dx: when you do all your homework & come to the conclusion that you are NOT (fill in the blank).

There seems to be this myth that self-dx is a twisted desire to collect illnesses/disorders a person doesn't deserve.

Umm … NO.

A thread 🧵
I'm going to use myself as an example. In researching #ADHD I've come across a few #OCD things that struck a nerve.

As in, related so hard I spit my tea across the desk. I took a few online tests out of curiosity and these are the questions that really hit home. 👇🏻

Those tests freaked me out. So I started digging. Reading journal articles, blog posts & medical websites. I've been fixated on this for weeks.

And you know what I've learned? That I'm not #OCD.

Here's why: the traits I identify with are not disabling. 3/
I can stop myself from checking the locks. I can tell myself "no" & walk away with minimal distress. I'll usually forget about it.

Same with intrusive thoughts. Can I stop them to begin with? No. But can I actively turn my mind away & be done with it? Yes. 4/
Compare that to my #ADHD self-dx. Now THAT is game changer. The more I read, the more it fits. None of it is in my control & all of it is disabling.

As in, life-wrecking.

That's the difference for me. And why I can self-dx #ADHD & at the same time know I'm not #OCD. 5/
There seems to be a myth that ND ppl want to collect diagnoses. Critics say we're attention-seeking narcissists. Or lazy & looking for handouts. Or that we're hypochondriacs.

They also say we're dangerous, unqualified armchair psychiatrists.

I've seen ALL of that this month. 6/
But I was never trying TO dx myself. In fact I wanted the opposite. I've already got a "formal" autism dx. I really didn't want another "thing" to deal with.

I mean who the hell would? There's no prize for being neurodivergent. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. 7/
The truth is most of us are just desperate for answers. Self-dx allows me to understand & accept myself. That is HUGE for my mental health.

And a self-dx in no way detracts or invalidates anyone else's dx. In fact, the self-dx critics are the ones doing the gatekeeping. 8/
Not everyone can get a formal dx. The reasons for that are a mile long esp for marginalized people. In my case I don't have insurance or the money for a dx or a therapist.

Self-dx is often the only option for many of us.

We deserve answers too. Not just the privileged. 9/
And contrary to what critics think, a formal dx does not validate neurodivergency. We don't come into being simply bc a doctor declares it so. I was born #autistic & #ADHD.

And quite frankly, I trust my opinion more. It's my mind. Who could possibly know that better than me? 10/
I also need to mention the damage that critics do to already vulnerable people.

It is HARD to accept a self-dx. I've struggled w fear, doubt, insecurity & feeling like an imposter. Those struggles resurface ALL THE TIME & create massive anxiety.

Critics only make it worse. 11/
So to those who are gatekeeping, shaming & vilifying self-diagnosis. Just stop. You are hurting people who are already hurting. Understand?

Our conclusions about ourselves are not yours to police. Self-diagnosis is valid. Your hate & bigotry is not.

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