🔺3k workers (20-69 yrs) perished in #CdnPoli pandemic @CPHO_Canada. Hard to get good official #OSH info . Using #ONpoli @WSIB injury reports & PHU data from
@TOPublicHealth &
to estimate where fatalities might b . #TOpoli #PaidLeave #SickPlan #COVIDZero
#Pandemic #ONpoli work hotspots inc warehouse, transport, health, #OntEd, manu, construction, stores & offices. Adj fatalities for #excessdeath as per @MoriartyLab . #DayOfMourning @FredHahnCUPE @HarveyBischof @etfopresident @aefopresidence @OECTAProv @SharleenStewart @FolkDawson
#Pandemic Work injuries in #ONpoli disproportionately impact #GTHA. #CdnEcon #DayofMourning

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