This is India’s moment of need and America must answer the call to help. Biden admin announced strong initial steps. I urge Biden to now authorize release of AstraZeneca vaccine to India and other allies. Alliances are tested in the darkest of days, and we must step up. THREAD
India accounts for nearly half of all new cases globally if you only count the numbers reported (millions in last week) Mass cremations across India tell story of vast underreporting as numbers are undoubtedly higher. It’s a true crisis. 2/9
Today, the Biden Admin announced the U.S. is going to send resources and supplies to India to help with vaccine production, and to deliver oxygen and therapeutics for those suffering. This is the right move. But we can do better and more. 3/9
We can help India and not miss a beat in our domestic response. America has secured enough vaccine for every single American. Pfizer/Moderna have signed up to deliver 600 million doses in total through July. Add 100 million J&J doses. 4/9
The U.S. has tens of millions of AstraZeneca vaccines in stock. These aren’t even approved for use in the U.S. at this time, but they are in many other places across the world. We should break down the barriers preventing us from sending them to the countries that need it. 5/9
This is one of first major tests of American global leadership in this new era. Every national security expert across political spectrum says that America’s strategic strengths (especially in relation to China) are our allies and partners. Then we need to make that a reality. 6/9
When the U.S. needed help early in this pandemic, India came to our aid. It’s time that we show them, and the rest of the world, that America’s word is America’s deed. We can show the power of America as an ally. 7/9
Let’s be clear, China and Russia have been using their vaccines to gather favor globally. The U.S. is the strongest country in the world when we lead with our values, but our values mean nothing without action. 8/9
We cannot lead a post-COVID world if we sit out the fight that our allies face to put this pandemic to an end. Let’s show the world what we can do. It’s time to release these vaccines and save lives. That is American leadership. END
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