So, I said something about #EDENSZERO being the most enjoyable and well developed and super hype ongoing battle shounen (new gen at least) alongside #JujutsuKaisen and #BlackClover for ME at the moment.

And people mocked the shi* outta me...

Keep reading in the thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
I also recommended people to read the EZ manga saying it was worth it knowing what kinda story you guys enjoy as shounen fans.

I think y'all had a misconception since it feels so Normie,fun and adventurous story, then your mind will be blown once you start reading the manga!⬇️
Knowing a lot of stuff you guys currently enjoy and appreciate so much, even stuff like Black Clover which was shitted early on for being unoriginal, corny and Asta's annoying screaming 🤣
You guys might be wondering that, what drastic change happens as the story progress in EZ that I'm praising it so much? ⬇️
The story starts with such a “Everything is fun and games”, a boy wants to make friends, a girl who's basically a youtuber of that world trying to get more views. And it turns out that currently in the manga they don't have any time to waste in this sorta silly childish stuff! ⬇️
I myself am a big BIG fan of dark, edgy and serious tone in battle shounen rather than wholesome, fun and adventurous theme, and EZ is delivering with what I needed now in the manga. It's not like it didn't have any darker tone in the beginning. ⬇️
To be honest, there's a lot, by that I mean A LOT of dark stuff in the earlier arcs, but overall it was just an adventurous, intense planet to planet traveling, preparing what's to come next and fighting with the enimies type of story. ⬇️
It having such a fun, wholesome theme also sets a stark contrast because of the DARKER and mature tone the series has now, I don't remember when was the last time I read a chap that slowed down story with the hype and intensity of both the storyline and character development!⬇️
I'm not biased and I instantly call out what I hate, just like I wish an arc in the 1st season(4th major Arc in the manga)how it should have never existed in the 1st place since it's boring af, straight up 4/10. ⬇️
Just let me tell you guys, the current arc which is going on in the manga is already far better than at least BC's Spade Arc, and it's coming from a big BC stan who thinks Spade is the best arc of all of BC so far. ⬇️
And the arc which starts in the manga right after where the s1 ends was begining to the ending absolute FIRE! That was the arc that changed EZ's fun and games tone forever to deep, serious tone.⬇️
Just like other shounen, yes, it still uses a lot of cliches, but cliches≠bad. The cliches are done perfectly and doesn't feel cheesy and corny like Fairy Tail! ⬇️
Ik, EZ is not an instant banger like how JJK/AoT were, since they're not set out to be a long running series, they don't waste any single time to get into the real stuff.

But considering EZ a long running shounen, I'd say the 1st season is definitely a banger. ⬇️
It's like gathering crew members of straw hats like One Piece. S1 is just the prologue for what is to come next for Edens Zero.

I hope y'all are not annoyed since I wanted to get this out of my mind by sharing my views and some objective analysis with you folks!

Peace 😄
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