Every single human endeavour that should unite us in our shared universal heritage (science, art, literature, music, sports, etc.) has been infected by tribal identity politics. Most announcements in academia today focus on immutable traits.
Every report about a movie, an awards show, or a book review is focused on immutable traits. Identity politics shatters the majesty of science, art, literature, music, and sports. Rather than allowing these uplifting expressions to unite us, identity politics shatters our ability
to see past our irrelevant immutable traits. Rather than freeing us from our personal identities as scientists, artists, musicians, or athletes, identity politics reminds us of the darkness of the human heart. Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity (DIE) is where our common humanity
goes to die. It is where brotherly love goes to die. It's where individual dignity goes to die. It's where personal agency goes to die. Reject it.

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and shatters it using ugly tribalism
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