dwtwt does not give a single shit about lesbians and it shows. non-lesbians, i promise you it does not take much effort to put your stans aside and support us. to those of you that have, thank you. the rest of you? fuck right off. we should not have to say this over and over.
i dont care how good of a person that man is but he turned what was going on into a pity party for himself while telling us to shut the fuck up over being upset over lesbophobia and you guys care more about him than us lesbians constantly having to defend ourselves. fuck. that.
non-lesbians, it literally does not take much to rt our tweets or support us. its not difficult at all, it is the bare minimum really. seeing mutuals and people i consider to be friends stay silent during the MULTIPLE times this has happened because
they do not want ‘drama’ or ‘discourse’ on their account.... fucking sucks. we should NOT have to come on here every single time this happens to tell you how shitty we feel and ask for support. once is enough. its exhausting
this thread is pointless because its like we’re talking to a literal brick wall but im over it. thanks to those that have done something to show support but the rest of you? please learn and do better
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