I came across a tarot card interpretation for health that said you're probably 'overindulging' in medications, are self-creating your health issues, and need to break the belief that you are sick. This is a good example of how to be irresponsible as a metaphysical practitioner.
There's a certain strain of esotericism that has an overly idealized ideology around health & bodies, which is a New Thought inheritance, which posits that all health is under the control of the mind. It's important to know this is a historical ideology and not inherent truth.
Unfortunately, there's also a weird tendency in the medical field itself to label anything not currently medically understood as psychological. There's a long list of illnesses, understood in current times as physical problems, that were previously declared mental pathology.
This is generally propagated by those lucky enough to be free of long-term health issues, or who had one that went away, which can then be explained via personal merit or thinking correctly. Anyway, if you're a metaphysical practitioner, please don't say things like this -
In medical settings, women are even more on the receiving end of this, and BIPOC often end up w/worse health outcomes due to disbelief about self-reported symptoms. So metaphysical practitioners dismissing physical health problems runs a real risk of doubly gaslighting people.
Health is a multifaceted and complex subject, usually best understood by those who have had to learn due to their own health issues or good health practitioners. If you are neither, it's best to refrain from health advice, especially the kind that says it's all in the mind.
This thread is a longtime soapbox of mine, but most recently courtesy of discovering that just a couple decades before I was born, they were still performing brain lobotomies for one of the very physical autoimmune conditions I have.
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