91% of Amazon destruction is caused by animal agriculture. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism but veganism is one of the best lifestyles you can adopt to boycott multiple forms of cruelty towards people and animals. https://twitter.com/amnestyusa/status/1385352965897084935
Global land usage could drop by 75% if those of us who could go vegan, went vegan and if capitalism was dismantled. If this happened, we could save so much land the size of the U.S., EU, China and Australia combined. Animal agriculture is cancer to our forests and open land.
In fact, it takes almost 100x more land to produce animal products for protein like “beef” and “lamb” than it does to produce vegan products like tofu or pea protein. Again, vegan food production is not 100% perfect but it’s a thousands times better than the current western diet.
If you’re thinking about going vegan, here is a thread full of threads that will help you out. I definitely recommend taking time to veganise the foods you’re already used to eating and watch cowspiracy/seaspiracy on Netflix! https://twitter.com/tyrathetaurus/status/1320822660838739969
You can follow @tyrathetaurus.
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