so... imagine the citizens of new l'manberg. all those people who voted on the elections, that huge crowd of people living in the country. now, remember eret's betrayal. imagine the hurt, the fear, those people who look up to their president wilbur soot living afraid +
but looking up to him so dearly, because why wouldn't they? it's their leader, and after all, he does so much for them. now imagine, after the elections... wilbur soot, and even his right hand man, get exiled. the people feel shattered. their president, exiled? shunned?
those who can't bear to live in "manberg", a mere evil caricature of their country, follow wilbur and tommy to pogtopia as soon as they're able to flee. they live in the ravine, it's dark and lonely, but they can manage. after all, wilbur reassures them they will come back.
but then... it all changes. suddenly, presid- i mean, leader soot doesn't do his speeches anymore. only vice tommy tries to lift up everyone's spirit, but they can all see – something is deeply wrong.
and then, the rumors of a plan spread like wildfire.
apparently their beloved president has changed his mind. they even say he's lost it. he wants to blow up the country? destroy even the houses once inhabited by those waiting to finally come back home, huddling together in the deep dark cave?
slowly, the dreams of the once proud l'manbergians die out one by one. wilbur isn't the only one who believes all is lost. there's a split of two groups – those who feel hurt and betrayed by wilbur... and those who join him.
the first group is heartbroken after l'manberg gets blown up. after tommy's speech, they genuinely believed they've won, but... only wilbur has. only the person they once looked up to, the man they called their leader, he was the only one who won. his citizens lay defeated.
the second group has lost their hope long ago, some part of their soul still left in that godforsaken ravine. they cheer for wilbur, finally manberg is gone, the thing that has bitterly reminded them of their loss – but their glee quickly fades, and they're left with emptiness.
the proud l'manbergians, defeated and betrayed.
/dsmp /rp @TOASTBURS fuck you for making me think about this /lh
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