Oh hey, I just realized that not everyone is aware of how there are different types of aromantic people!

So, first thing: there's aromantic (people who feel very little to no romantic attraction at all), but there's a whole entire spectrum of aromantic identities as well! :)
All of the identities and people who fall under and identify as being in the aromantic spectrum all share the quality that they feel and experience less than the "standard" amount of romantic attraction (aka just how often the alloromantics feel it).
There's a whole bunch of arospec identituies and microlabels, so I won't go into all of them, but here are a few!

Demiromantic: someone who doesn't experience romantic attraction until they've formed a deep emotional connection with a person. This is NOT "just a normal person".
Fuck off with that demimisic bullshit!

Frayromantic: someone who experiences romantic attraction only to those they're not very close with, and then they lose that attraction as they get to know the person. It's known as the "opposite of demiromantic".
Greyromantic / greyaromantic: someone who relates with aromanticism yet feels that it nor the rest of the spectrum fully describe their experiences. This is both a specific label and sometimes an umbrella for the rest of the aromantic spectrum (excluding aro).
Quoiromantic (or WTFromantic): this is a more broad identity so I'll try to cover some general basics of it here. But quoiromantics aren't sure of their romantic orientation, don't think it's personally helpful, and / or don't want to define their romantic orientation. More here:
And the last arospec identity I'll cover is

recipromantic: someone who doesn't experience romantic attraction until and unless they know that the other person is romantically attracted to them first.
There's a whole bunch of other arospec identities and microlabels so I encourage you to check them out! As well as look more into the ones I described above if they interest you.

Okay, so that's some more arospec identities, but there's also different categories of arospecs!
There's three categories: romance favorable, romance neutral, and romance averse / repulsed.

An arospec who's romance favorable may not feel romantic attraction like an alloro but does desire a romantic relationship. They can date and have long term romantic relationships just
like alloros because that's what they want. They can be huge romantics! This *does not* mean that they aren't really aro or arospec! Romantic attraction and romantic desire are very different things!

There are also romantic neutral arospecs, and they - as the name suggests -
have a neutral feeling about romance. They might be okay with and want a romantic relationship with someone who's expressed interest in them but they may not actively search out a romantic relationship.

Finally, there are romance averse / repelled arospecs and they want nothing
to do with romance. They don't want to date no matter what, they don't like romantic plots or subplots, they can even get physically sick by romance.

Okay, so that's the basics of arospec categories. But remember, this is only basics and nothing is universal! Some people may
be both romance favorable (fiction, others) and romance averse (for themselves) or change where they fall depending on how they feel or whatever. This isn't hard boundaries, so don't treat it like it is! Arospecs know ourselves best, so listen to us!

And as for arospec
identities - those can change too, and nothing is bad with that. All that's happening is that you / they are learning more about yourself / themselves! Nothing is set in stone, so don't feel like you have to *know* for certain right away and *certainly* don't treat arospecs
like they can't eventually change their label! But likewise, *never* try to tell an arospec person that they aren't who they say they are. Never.

So, that's the end of this thread. Hope you liked it and learned something new! :)
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