I think we all agree on the problems that Nola faces (crime, education, streets). I’d love to know what y’all think can be done to make a genuine positive change on quality of life here. What can we do in the next few years to improve the lives of all New Orleanians?
Slightly different question: if you had a genie wish for the latoya administration, what would you have them do?
I’m going to tag a few political voices from regular feed but I’d love to hear everyone’s ideas. @votelandry @RoyceDuplessis @panarmstrong @SSwiber @WaltLeger @AllenK_81 @nolanolegal @Crimealytics @NOLA_JT @NM3MVP @ClintSmithIII @WaveProfesora @NewsCarolyn @AmandaSuspended
You can follow @BeingNOLA.
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