rallying my east asian diaspora out here to support our south asian communities. they are the hardest by COVID-19 across canada, working precarious jobs in silence while many are also watching a crisis unfold back home with family in india. follow @SAHealthNetwork for resources
an important read by @SabiVM on the COVID-19 crisis parallels in India and places in Ontario with a large South Asian population, like Brampton:

“It really feels like because our skin is brown, our lives mean less.” https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2021/04/24/india-is-in-a-covid-19-crisis-south-asian-canadians-are-weeping-from-afar-but-also-seeing-devastating-parallels-for-our-people-in-ontario.html https://twitter.com/sabivm/status/1386053684535123969
throughout this whole pandemic, @iPreetBrar has been writing to share perspectives we haven’t heard about. as a former temp worker, she’s platformed taxi drivers, truck drivers, factory workers facing COVID.

her latest: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2021/04/25/peel-is-facing-a-covid-19-crisis-ontario-needs-to-prioritize-health-over-economy-now-to-save-lives.html https://twitter.com/evystadium/status/1386409392573091843
this is systemic (and honestly overt) racism killing our south asian population here and abroad. india makes 60% of the world’s vaccine supply bought by US, Canada while less than 10% of their pop have been vaccinated. brampton only has has 8 vaccine pharmacies per 100K residents
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