#WhitePeople talk about being #White & #Racism👉🏽This thread is transcribed from #Whitewashed ~ Unmasking the World of #Whiteness. Film by #MarkPatrickGeorge.
"I don’t have any trouble admitting that I’m a #racist. I think it’s absurd to try to fight with that. 1/
...I grew up in a society I was conditioned by it. I think internally in my psyche I have grounded in and rooted those attitudes. And I see it in me all the time. I mean I'm always dealing with it. I don’t think that makes me a bad person. 2/
...You know, I don’t think that means that I’m grounded in original sin or or anything. It just means that I've been well-indoctrinated. But it does also call me to do something about it." 3/
"I don’t like being a #White man. That's where I still am, am working on that. Because I know what I've done. What people like me have done." 4/
"Part of being #White is just not in any way acknowledging what it means to be White." This thread👉🏽words transcribed from #Whitewashed ~ Unmasking the World of #Whiteness ~ A film by #MarkPatrickGeorge
"I have a #white skin and with that white skin comes along a whole mess of #privileges that I have. I don't ask for them. They just are there." 6/
"You have started to break the code of #silence a little bit, when you start talking about #White people & you start talking about this stuff. And you find yourself suddenly all alone." This thread 👉🏻words transcribed from #Whitewashed ~ Unmasking the World of #Whiteness film. 7/
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